Terms and conditions


The site wdsystems.ro hereinafter referred to as “wdsystems.ro”, is owned and managed by WAREHOUSE DESIGN SYSTEMS SRL, having CUI: 37016260,
Reg.com: J02/144/2017, with headquarters in Arad, str Colonistilor nr. 3, Romania Phone: 0754 880 088

Browsing the site wdsystems.ro followed by the order, is equivalent to reading, understanding and accepting the terms below by any Customer. wdsystems.ro reserves the right to change and update at any time the content of this site, as well as the Terms and Conditions of Use, without any prior notice.

In case of divergence or misunderstanding between wdsystems.ro and the Customer, the Terms and Conditions valid at the time of the order will apply.



User – any person visiting the site wdsystems.ro

Customer – natural / legal person who places an Order.

Products and Services – any product or service mentioned in the Order, to be provided by the Seller, to the Customer.

Order – an electronic document that intervenes as a form of communication between the Seller and the Customer through which the Customer expresses his intention to purchase certain Products and Services and to make their payment.

Contract – an Order confirmed by the Seller, whereby the Seller agrees to sell and deliver the Products and Services, and the Customer agrees to purchase, receive and make payment for such Products and Services.

Courier – any person of public or private law who provides express courier services.



The content of the site wdsystems.ro: images, texts, web graphics, scripts, software, design rights, model rights, patents, trademarks, is entirely the property of SC WAREHOUSE DESIGN SYSTEMS SRL and its suppliers and is protected by the Law on copyright and related rights and intellectual and industrial property laws. The use without the consent of SC WAREHOUSE DESIGN SYSTEMS SRL of any of the elements listed above is punished according to the legislation in force. wdsystems.ro is a registered trademark of SC WAREHOUSE DESIGN SYSTEMS SRL.

The wdsystems.ro use of any trademark name does not constitute advertising for that company. wdsystems.ro does not assume responsibility and cannot be blamed for damages arising from the use of the content of the site.



SC WAREHOUSE DESIGN SYSTEMS SRL does not guarantee that the site, the servers on which it is hosted, or the emails sent from wdsystems.ro are free of viruses or other potentially harmful computer components, that it does not contain errors, omissions, malfunctions, delays or interruptions in operation or transmission, line drops or any other similar factors. The user uses the site at his own risk, wdsystems.ro being free of any liability for any direct or indirect damages caused by using or accessing / visiting the site or as a result of using the information on the site. SC WAREHOUSE DESIGN SYSTEMS SRL is not responsible for errors or omissions that may occur in the drafting or presentation of materials on the site.

SC WAREHOUSE DESIGN SYSTEMS SRLdoes not assume responsibility for the descriptions of the products presented on the wdsystems.ro site, these being made available to SC WAREHOUSE DESIGN SYSTEMS SRL by suppliers.

The information included on the wdsystems.ro is informative and is made available in good faith, from sources that the Seller considers reliable. If any of the published articles or any other information falls under the Copyright and Related Rights Act, the User is asked to bring this fact to the attention of the Seller at
, so that the necessary legal measures can be taken.

wdsystems.ro reserves the right to cancel Orders for Products and Services that are displayed on the site as a result of technical errors, or which, due to technical errors, present obviously erroneous / derisory prices for products (prices that any buyer with an average level of training can appreciate as erroneous / derisory).

Any links to other sites are provided solely for the purpose of increased accessibility of information, and wdsystems.ro assumes no responsibility or liability for the content of these sites, for the products or services promoted or marketed through these sites.



Users of the wdsystems.ro site may make comments and any other communications, may transmit suggestions, questions or information, if their language is civilized and the content of the communications is not illegal, obscene, threatening, defamatory, does not disturb in any way the privacy of other persons, does not violate intellectual property rights, does not contain viruses, does not serve promotion campaigns that are not related to wdsystems.ro, are not mass emails or any other form of spam.

Persons who will use a false e-mail address or will send electronic messages or any other communications on behalf of another natural or legal person or on behalf of any other entity, will be reported to the competent bodies. wdsystems.ro does not assume responsibility nor can be obliged to any compensation for any damages caused by such communications.

In case of sending or displaying materials / documents involving texts, replicas, reviews, etc., formulated by Users, it is considered that the User guarantees their originality and grants wdsystems.ro and its affiliates / associates the non-exclusive, unlimited, free, irrevocable and retransferable right to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works, as well as the right to distribute, to present these contents anywhere in the world by any means.

The user guarantees that he has all the rights over the content he displays or transmits on the site, in any way, so that, by using this content, he does not cause damage to any third party natural or legal entity.



The data collected regarding accounts and newsletters is confidential. wdsystems.ro will be able to select the users to whom it will send newsletters and other information by e-mail.

According to Law nr. 677/2001 for the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, amended and completed and Law no. 506/2004 regarding the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector, wdsystems.ro has the obligation to process safely and only for the specified purposes, personal data provided by users.

The purpose of collecting personal data is: economic and financial management, advertising, marketing, advertising, statistics, electronic communications services, informing Customers about the status of their account on the wdsystems.ro, informing customers about the evolution and status of orders.

The completion by users of forms on the site is equivalent to the unconditional acceptance that these data be included in the wdsystems.ro database and to the use and processing by the wdsystems.ro for carrying out the activities listed above, including, but not limited to, marketing service providers, courier, payment services /

Customers are guaranteed the rights provided by Law nr. 677/2001 for the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, respectively the right to information, the right of access to data, the right to intervene, the right of opposition, the right not to be subject to an individual decision, the right to appeal to justice in case of violation of his rights. Customers have the right to request total or partial deletion of personal data. The client may request any of the rights listed above based on a written, signed and dated request, submitted to the headquarters of SC WAREHOUSE DESIGN SYSTEMS SRL.
Refusal to provide this data determines the impossibility of honoring orders.

If the customer changes by using the forms on the site the personal data already delivered to the wdsystems.ro and there are ongoing orders, the orders keep their data from the moment of placing the order and the delivery of the products will be made taking into account the newly modified data.

wdsystems.ro does not request from its Users by any means of communication (telephone/e-mail, etc.) confidential information, bank account data, personal passwords, etc. If the user discloses them to third parties, he bears full responsibility for his actions. Thus, in cases of disclosure of such data, the user cannot hold liable for
wdsystems.ro for any kind of damage.



In order to create an account on wdsystems.ro website, the User is obliged to use a valid e-mail address. wdsystems.ro may refuse the application for registration in cases where it finds that it has used information that is not in accordance with reality or uses the services in a manner inconsistent with normal usage.



None of the contractual parties can be held liable for non-performance (total/partial) or late execution of its obligations, if they were caused by force majeure. The parties shall immediately notify each other of the case of force majeure and shall take all necessary measures to limit the consequences of the event.

If within 15 days the force majeure event does not cease, the parties have the right to unilaterally terminate the contract without claiming damages.

Force majeure will be proven according to the law.



The contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Romanian law. Any conflict between wdsystems.ro and Clients will be settled amicably. If this is not possible, the first way of settlement is mediation, according to the law, and if this fails, the competent Romanian courts at the Client’s domicile are appealed.



Creating multiple accounts using automatically generated addresses that expire after a predefined period in order to benefit from
promotions or offers, or any fraudulent behavior capable of affecting the smooth running of campaigns, is prohibited and will be considered an attempt at fraud. The owner of the site does wdsystems.ro reserve the right to suspend the accounts thus created and to withdraw the benefits related to ongoing promotions or offers, to cancel the account without notice, notice, other
formalities or compensation.

Any attempt at fraud or any fraud (such as, but not limited to: accessing Customer data wdsystems.ro, altering the content of the site, trying to affect the performance of servers wdsystems.ro etc.) will be punished according to criminal law.



If any of the above clauses will be found null or invalid, this will not affect the validity of the other clauses.